Saturday morning we drove to my (Kella's) parents house to celebrate Christmas with my grandparents (Granddaddy and Ems), Uncles (Rick and Mac), Aunt (Lee Anne), and Cousins (Beth Anne and Ally Grace). We were celebrating today so John and I decided to eat a great lunch at Migs Sat. afternoon... Why can't they expand to Greenville? Then we went and did a little shopping while Grammie and Papa watched the boys. After a great dinner at Outback, Grammie and I started cooking for today. I was in charge of deviled eggs and a mandarin orange salad. The eggs were good, the orange thing that I've never made and will never again wasn't too great even though my nice family said they liked it. The boys were spoiled as usual, their favorite gift was Gator Golf, thank God it came with two clubs.
Opening Gator Golf

Thank you kisses for Granddaddy presents, Bryson napped in my arms (doesn't happen often anymore so I soaked up every minute of it) and John Thomas made traffic and bridges for his new cars.
Obviously there was an accident on the bridge.
Bryson still trying to wake up.
After a long nap, the boys decided they wanted ice cream and turkey (ewwww) and then we headed back to Grammie and Papa's to pack up and head home. We love getting down to Greenwood and don't go enough, the boys love their Grammie and Papa, and would have stayed if they could have. Now we're home, the boys are in bed, I'm snuggled on the couch about to start reading Eclipse, and John is in heaven playing his new XBOX game courtesy of Ems.
Wasn't a gift but Bryson loved playing with Ems' candy canes.
John Thomas with his cousins.