Bryson is Officially Potty Trained

I didn't blog about it before because I didn't want to jinx it but Bryson has been completely potty trained for about 3 weeks. I was leary for the past 2 months letting him run around in underwear but shouldn't have been. He has done amazing in his undies and only wears a pull up to bed which hasn't been wet in the morning in well over a month! I'm so proud of my big boy and so happy to be done with diapers!!!


Missing: Mint Green Bunny with Blanket
Name: New Bunny
Last Seen: 4/25/09
I cannot believe that New Bunny has gone missing. He's been Bryson's companion for almost 3 years. We had a yard sale Saturday and either a little kid picked him up or we accidently donated him to Goodwill... It could be that he's playing a game of hide-and-seek with us but it's doubtful... I think we're taking it harder than Bryson and it helps that he has an identical bunny (albeit much cleaner) that he can sleep with. His name is Poster Bunny since we've always called him the "imposter bunny".

Tales From The Potty...

Boys will be boys, right?!?!

A conversation between Mommy, John Thomas and Bryson.

John Thomas: "Hey mommy, I'm on the potty"
Mommy: "Ok, let me know when you're done"
John Thomas: "It's a big one"
Mommy (under her breath): "oh great"
John Thomas: "I'm done mommy, come look how at my poopie, it's BIG"
Mommy: "No, John Thomas I don't want to look at your poop"
Bryson (as he runs towards the bathroom): "I want to see your big poopie"
Mommy: "No Bryson"
Bryson: "WOW"

Then a fight ensues because Bryson flushes it.

Dying Easter Eggs

Not as messy as it was last year and we only had one causalty.
Mixture of dyed eggs + the boys favorite plastic ones.

John Thomas' First Time in Big Church

I thought it would be good to let John Thomas go to "big church" tonight to watch the drama team present The Risen Christ. He hasn't ever seen the story of Jesus' crucifixion/resurrection and I'm not sure how much he understood but he really enjoyed it. When asked what his favorite part was, he said "when Jesus died on the cross" I have to hope it was because that was the part that he'd heard the most about. I quickly asked him if he liked the part when Jesus came back and was in all white and he said "yeah, that was ok too". I told him that one day, that would be his favorite part. :)
Here's the big boy waiting on the play to start.

This is what a heart attack looks like...

While daddy was cutting the grass, John Thomas pretented to be a monkey. And yes, I did tell him to stay like that so I could grab my phone. Mother of the year, that's me. :)


It's the weekend before Easter and the egg hunts have begun. Today we went to two. The first was at Fluor Daniel (Poppy's work). We've gone every year since John Thomas was 2. We always have a great time!

Bryson gearing up for his turn!
Let the hunt begin Bryson with his loot.
Enjoying some cotton candy before the 5 year olds get to hunt.
Just a neat pic of my baby.
Mommy giving John Thomas some advice.
A boy on a mission
In a matter of seconds, the field is empty of plastic eggs
Indoor games
Bryson on the slide
John Thomas' turn
A masterpiece in the making
Spinning to perfection
Chicken throw

After naps, we headed to Fountain Inn. I read in the newspaper that they were dropping eggs out of a hot air balloon, so I knew the boys would love it!

But first they had to slide... Then they got the balloon ready...
The bunny is readyThe race is on...Bryson lucked up, and found a little spot littered with eggs that no one had found. The boys checking out their goods
We had a fabulous day! The weather was perfect and the boys had so much fun. They have more candy, stickers, rings and bracelets than they know what to do with. Next weekend we're having breakfast with the Easter Bunny at Chick Fil A, and of course we'll be attending great Easter services through out the week!