There is just sooo much to do there especially during the 4th. One of the highlights for the boys is the golf cart parade. Tons of the campers and residents decorate their golf cart and parade around the campground dancing, throwing out candy and acting crazy. We get there early to get a good spot then just hang out on the beach until it starts around noon. The campground also has kids craft time through out each day, games at the pool and on the beach, and rides/food/games set up at the arcade. I think it's the atmosphere we love there so much. Everyone is so friendly, there are tons of kids, and while it's crowded not so much that you wait for anything! I can't wait to be there!
Below are a few pictures from last year.
John Thomas caught some beads & is waiting for more candy (see his stash on the seat behind him)
Bryson enjoying the sand!
Bryson wasn't even walking (just taking steps here and there) last year.
The boys and their truck!
The Such Family(Kella, John Thomas, John, Bryson, Mary (Mawmaw), Granny, & John Sr. (Poppy)