A Day in the Life of Me

6:10 a.m. Alarm goes off for the first time, hit snooze and flip on the TV to listen to the local news.
6:17 a.m. Alarm goes off again and I usually get up but sometimes stay in bed until the next alarm.
I shower, get dressed, makeup, and dry/style my hair.
By this time its 7:15 or 7:20 and John Thomas is usually awake and in my room. Most mornings he will get in bed with John and watch Thunderbirds and other times he will play quietly in his room. I talk with him a bit and get their clothes out for John since he gets them ready and takes them to Karen's each day.
At 7:30 I round up my breakfast, water and a few snacks and head out the door.
I drive 11 miles into work and it takes anywhere from 20-30 minutes (sometimes longer when school is in).
I get to my desk between 8:00-8:10, break for lunch around 12:00, and leave at 5:00 p.m.
I drive straight to Karen's to get the boys and get there about 5:30. We chat about their day and other random things and then I head home. I usually get home by 6:00.
I immediately start dinner and straighten up the kitchen while the boys are playing in the living room or outside. John usually gets home between 6:15 and 6:45 and we eat around 6:45-7:00. After dinner I clean up the dinner mess and we all head upstairs for more playing, baths, books, etc...
The boys go down between 8:00 and 8:30. Once they are asleep I usually collapse on the couch, do laundry, embroidery, or take a bath. I try to go to bed around 10:00 unless we're watching a movie.
Basically from 6:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, I am on the move.