I asked John Thomas a few questions about his first day of school, and below are his answers.
Mommy: John Thomas did you have a good day?
John Thomas: Yes, it was good.
Mommy: What was your favorite part?
John Thomas: Going outside
Mommy: Did you make any friends?
John Thomas: No
Mommy: Why? Did you play by yourself?
John Thomas: No, I played with the other kids. What are their names?
Mommy: You'll learn their names. Did you play with Jake or Jordan?
John Thomas: Yes, I do not go down the slide fast enough, Jordan told me to go, go, go.
Mommy: Did you eat lunch?
John Thomas: Yes, a little.
Mommy: What did you eat?
John Thomas: Ummm a banana and cheetos
Mommy: Did you like your classroom?
John Thomas: Yes, it has new toys so we gotta be careful, I like them.
I think he had a great time, and it was a good sign this morning that he wanted to go back. When I got there I spoke with the teacher. She said he was awesome and that all day he wanted to know "what are we doing next" and "where are we going" she said he was cute. He also asked her at 10:30 a.m. "Mrs. Teacher, when is rest time?"
Bryson also did okay without John Thomas. John said that he was looking for him and when he got in the car he had John Thomas' taggie blanket and wouldn't leave it. Karen said that Bryson was king of the hill again and had a great day. So much so that he didn't want to leave when I got there and told me "I stay with Karen". He cried when I had to pry him off of her. He sure knows how to put me in my place. The boys played together wonderfully when we got home--no fights or screams which I had grown accustomed to. It was a good day!