Since I volunteered, I got to shop (along with other volunteers) before anyone else. Got the boys lots of winter clothes for cheap!! Got home around 2 since I did a little shopping while I worked. I came home and helped John in the yard (it was beautiful here this weekend), then we left to go celebrate Poppy's 68th birthday. We had great pizza, cake and fun!
Sunday we went to church and then Grammie and Papa came up so that my dad could help John move the nursery furniture to the garage (we're having a garage sale next weekend). I am sad to see it go but since the boys are doing great in the bunkbeds, we just don't have the room to keep it. After everything was moved, John Thomas and Bryson showed us their new karate moves, and worked up a sweat. John Thomas has become quite self sufficient and went downstairs and made he and Bryson some water. Later for some reason he wanted to go back downstairs and he couldn't get the gate open, he the proclaimed that he couldn't open the gate because "his thumb was out of energy" Kid cracks us up! After Grammie and Papa left we headed to dinner, Best Buy and then for ice cream. The boys had baths, and are sleeping peacefully. John and I battled a little on guitar hero... We both "rock".

It was a good weekend!
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