Wow, it's been 7 years since the attack on the World Trade Centers and Pentagon. Seven years ago, I was engaged to John, looking for a home and working in Greenwood. Today, I'm married and a mother to two beautiful boys. As I drove into work this morning many folks had displayed images of red, white and blue and lowered their flags to half staff. John Thomas questioned why so many flags were lining the main road and for once I was at a loss at how to explain it to him. For him and Bryson, the story of 9-11 will be taught to them in a history class. They won't feel the anguish, fear and hurt that we felt that day. Do you remember where you were that day 7 years ago? If you are around my age or older you probably do remember just as you remember where you were when the Challenger exploded, when the 1st Gulf War started, etc... I can remember when I was little my parents would tell me about where they were when JFK was assassinated. I didn't really understand why they could recall exact things about their day that day, but they did. Now I understand. I pray that my boys never have to live through an event like September 11th but I know better... I can only teach them to live life to the fullest because you never know what tomorrow will bring.,_2001_attacks
Wonderfully put, Kella.
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