Happy Memorial Day! I am thankful for the many brave men and women that serve our country! Today we honor the 1.9+ million men and women that have died fighting for our freedom.
Each Memorial Day Weekend, Freedom Weekend Aloft is held in Simpsonville. I won't go into much detail on my dissappointment with FWA, but the boys had a blast so it was worth it! I will say that once the balloons launched they were fun to watch and I did endulge in a funnel cake, yummm!
First order of business, train ride
Each Memorial Day Weekend, Freedom Weekend Aloft is held in Simpsonville. I won't go into much detail on my dissappointment with FWA, but the boys had a blast so it was worth it! I will say that once the balloons launched they were fun to watch and I did endulge in a funnel cake, yummm!
First order of business, train ride