A Night With Daddy...

Tonight I had a meeting for a new business venture so John was home with the boys. A recap of their night follows.

John Thomas got sad when I left, and John asked him why he was sad. He told him it was because he loves me most and wants me to stay home. John asked him why he loved me more and he said because "your legs are all prickly and mommy's are not"

Bryson and John Thomas played baseball and Bryson finally hit the ball. He wouldn't stop running the bases and at about the 5th time John Thomas told him "that's enough Bryson"

John Thomas is asleep in a pair of Bryson's pajamas... I don't even know how that happened.

Bryson is asleep up-side-down

I think the best thing that happened while I was gone was that John cleaned the kitchen--yippee!!!