Happy Memorial Day and Freedom Weekend Aloft

Happy Memorial Day! I am thankful for the many brave men and women that serve our country! Today we honor the 1.9+ million men and women that have died fighting for our freedom.

Each Memorial Day Weekend, Freedom Weekend Aloft is held in Simpsonville. I won't go into much detail on my dissappointment with FWA, but the boys had a blast so it was worth it! I will say that once the balloons launched they were fun to watch and I did endulge in a funnel cake, yummm!
First order of business, train ride

Can you see John Thomas? He's upside down. This slide was no joke.

Bryson braving the slide

Dragon ride teacups Roller Coaster ride cheese! John Thomas LOVED this ride. He and the other kids giggled the entire time
Weeee Finally, the balloons! Our favorite balloon
Neat picture I got More rides on the way out after the balloons launched Was asleep before we got out of the parking lot.